Author: DanaAdmin

  • Ten Challenges Getting Your Part 107 Drone License

    Getting your FAA Part 107 Drone license can be easy if you don’t mind reading and studying. The problem is with the massive array of websites, jargon and material that must be found, organized and processed. When I prepared for my test, I searched the internet for information about the Part 107. I easily found…

  • Building Flight Confidence

    Building Flight Confidence

    First Flights Review As a new drone pilot, I am slowly building confidence in flying my DJI Mini 3. After my initial surprises at how quiet the drone is and how amazingly stable it is right after launch, I am still experiencing new wonders. Inverted Controls Flying a drone and seeing everything unfolding in real…

  • Cool Drone, but it’s still a camera!

    Cool Drone, but it’s still a camera!

    Flying a drone is super fun but at the end of the day, if I can’t get decent photography and videos the excitement of owning a drone ends with the landing. Photography is King It’s important to remember, we are in the photography business, not the drone business. The drone gets the camera into the…

  • My First Drone!

    My First Drone!

    I was not prepared for this experience. As a tech guru supporting Apple products (, I knew Apple was pretty keen on DJI Drones. As I recall, they actually offered them in their stores. Skipping the long story, I broke down a purchased a DJI Mini 3 and began reading and watching everything I could…