Category: Membership Premium
FAA Sample Questions
The FAA wants us to pass this test! They have done absolutely every thing they can possibly do to help us. To that end, they have provided a solid collection of sample questions that mimic the ones which will be on the actual exam. Click the button below to download those sample questions. In addition…
Register for the FAA Test
All your test registration will be done through the FAA’s page at PSI. Use the button below to go back to their website to register for your test. Make sure you have your FAA ID Number and personal information for registration. Remember, PSI has very strict practices and policies. Having all your personal information and…
PSI Account Setup
PSI Stands for Professional Services Industry. This organization, with offices in nearly every major city in the the US, is responsible for testing applicants in a vast array of professional services industries. They provide testing for Cosmetology, Auto Mechanics and the FAA! When you are ready to take your test, it is to a PSI…
The TRUST Exam
Great Practice with a Perk TRUST stands for The Recreational UAS Safety Test. This is the exam Recreational Pilots should take and pass to prove that they are not flying by the seat-of-their-pants. You do not need this exam…but… You really should go through the process and get your recreational license first. It is an…
FAA Practice Test
PSI Provides the official FAA Part 107 Practice test ONLINE at their website. You must have an account with them to take this practice test. When you take this practice test spend a little time to get yourself familiar with the software the test is presented in. There are forward and back buttons and you…
FAA Account Setup
Now it gets real! You are now ready to officially become part of the Federal Registry of Pilots! The next step is to get yourself set-up as an Airman with the FAA. This is an official Federal Government website so buckle up! IMPORTANT You are about to register personal information with the Federal Government. Get…
My Study Notes
I know… there is a lot of reading to get ready for the FAA Part 107 Pilot License. On this page I provide a link to the notes I have made on each part of the materials you are reading. Sometimes terms are presented but never defined. I define them. Sometimes super important context is…
FAA UAS Study Guide
Download the FAA’s UAS Study Guide Beware! There is a huge problem with this guide! As of this writing, (Fall of 2023) the Study Guide is extremely out of date. All the original material is still valid, but there are critical new things missing which you will be tested on. I have located and linked…
FAA Supplemental Material
FAA Supplemental Materials Shhh…. Don’t tell anyone. You already know the Study Guide is super outdated! But we know where the updated info is hidden! The industry as a whole is developing at light-speed! New technologies and advancements in drones have led to updated rules and regulations not found in the study guide. The FAA…
The Grammar
The Grammar Learning complicated new subjects can be difficult. In Classical Learning, we begin with the grammar of the subject. We don’t really focus on definitions, we just get familiar with the jargon. That’s the key. Get familiar — don’t try to memorize. Studying grammar is an introduction, not a deep dive. Click the link…