Real Estate Videos
Realtors love drone shots! And drones are not just for overhead shots of that precious property you just listed. Drones are now being used for interior shots as well. Cool savvy inside-the-property drone videos are popping up all the time. But wait, there’s more…
Using technology from services such as “Drone Deploy,” it is now easier than ever to create 360º walk-throughs of your entire property. 360ºs are those amazing videos you see where what appears to be a still image becomes a complete 360º view of the area as you move your mouse across the image, back and forth, up and down. It’s just like being there.
Drone videos absolutely take a bland, average listing a bring it into dramatic new focus. If you are not using drone technology in your listings, why are you waiting? Drone photography and videos are exciting and affordable. Get flying today!